Wendy Siedlecki, R.N.
Faith Community Nursing (FCN) at Woodlawn is led by Wendy Siedlecki RN. We feel blessed to have her as part of this congregation and to have the support of St. Anthony’s Hospital to guide us. FCN (first known as Parish Nursing) began 20 years ago in the Tampa Bay area at St. Anthony’s Hospital. Over 75 churches work with hospitals in the BayCare organization. Our focus is health and wholeness of the body, mind and spirit. We strive to be a resource for services available in the community as well promoting a healthy lifestyle.
The FCN program offers monthly morning and evening meetings at St. Anthony’s. Speakers update us on the latest medical care as well as health programs offered to the community. Wendy also has the opportunity to participate in courses offering in-depth information on different health issues. The goal is to bring this information back to our congregation.
Wendy writes a monthly health article for the Woodlawn Window (WW). If you’re interested in reading some of her past articles, go to the Woodlawn Window page.
Wendy visits those in the hospital and keeps in touch with our home bound and those in nursing homes. A future goal of St. Anthony’s is to use FCN’s at discharge to help better coordinate care after leaving the hospital.
Faith Community Nursing is a great program and we are blessed to have Wendy here!
Family and Friends CPR Class
Tues. Aug. 1 6:30 – 8:30 PM Fellowship Hall
Faith Community Nursing is providing a facilitator to teach a FREE class from the American Heart Association that includes the latest CPR techniques, use of an AED, and what to do if someone is choking. It is an informal class (no exam), with a video, instruction manual, and a chance to practice with mannequins if you would like, and time to ask questions. You do not receive certification that might be required at your workplace or by an organization. The class does teach how to identify and respond to certain emergencies.
Please call the church office at 822 – 4477 to register so we have enough material for everyone. Child care is available.