Missions Committee

Serving on Missions is fulfilling our Christian covenant and desire to assist others.  Which is why Missions is one of the most vital ministries at Woodlawn.

Aside from the three special offerings recognized each year, the Souper Bowl of Caring (February), One Great Hour of Sharing (Easter), and the Joy Gift (Christmas), the Missions Committee supports:

  • Bay Pines VA Medical Center (local) with afghans, lap robes, socks, etc.
  • Daystar Life Center (local) with food, clothing, household items, etc.
  • Christmas Toy Shop (local) with new and gently used toys.
  • Free Clinic
  • Metropolitan Ministries
  • Daystar Food

We collect toys for CASA at Christmas and continue to collect food and clothing for those in need.

Joe Orts is Chair of the Missions Committee, which meets monthly as needed, mostly after worship on the third Sunday of each month. If you would like to join in helping those in need in our community, (We WELCOME YOU!) please let us know via email at office@woodlawnchurch.net with a note for Missions or call the church office at (727) 822-4477 to leave a message. Joe Orts or a member of the Committee will get in touch with you.

Hi There